This is a project assignment of Experience Design 1. In this assignment, I pick a problem that has been documented in a UX notebook. The UX notebook was part of a past assignment where we documented issues people around us faced on a day to day basis. In this assignment we pick one of the issues and create a digital solution to help them out.

Bellow, I'll walk you through my process and show you how I eventually came up with my own digital solution.
Person in problem, persona, role:
John, a father 

Action, situation:
help his son cut onions for almost late dinner

Aim, need, goal, outcome:
want to cut onions without tears

Optional: restriction, obstacles, friction
(not applicable)
Using Combine method
Using Adapt method
Top 3 Solution Pitch and Sketch
place title of solution, description and small sketch illustrate here
Smart Cutter App: An application on your phone connects to a multifunctional cutter, allowing you to choose the desired onion cut style. The cutting process is automated, controlled through the app, reducing exposure to onion juice.
Mini HR Goggles: These goggles enable you to cut onions in real life without being affected by the tear-inducing juice. You can adjust the environment settings, tricking your brain, such as switching from air to water or even a different planet.
OnionShield Cutting Board: A smart cutting board featuring built-in air filtration and a tear-resistant screen. Place the onion on the board, activate the OnionShield app, and enjoy a tearless chopping experience as it neutralizes the onion's compounds that induce tears.
Solution sketch 
Solution story board
Reflection on the Project
This task opened my eyes to problem-solving. Initially, brainstorming was a challenge, but delving into it sparked my growing interest in the User Experience craft. I aim to leverage these experiences for a brighter future!
The next best thing

The next best thing


Creative Fields